The main auction ring is used for a variety of sales ranging from the regular Monday sale to an evening cow sale or state graded feeder cattle sales. The ring is built to handle all types of livestock comfortably.
The surrounding stadium seating can accommodate around 400 buyers, sellers, and spectators. The adjoining restaurant provides home style meals at every sale.
Our facilities include over 230 holding pens which can comfortably accommodate 4000 head of cattle. Feed and water pens are available for livestock layovers. Cattle handling facilities are state of the art including computerized weighing scales, veterinarian chute, and tagging chute.

Mike Dirting
Vice President
J.P. Good, Jr.
Mark Shenk - Secretary/Treasurer
Jim Gochenour
Dave Hite
Roger Hockman
Tom LeFevre
Chuck Mathias
Tom Rosenberger
Scott D. Stickley - General Manager
Jeff Eckersley - Office Manager