The following loads of cattle will be offered for sale on  MARCH 24th    @ NOON   

You are able to bid on these cattle in person, at the sale barn, or by tel-o-auction.  To bid on the cattle by tel-o-auction call Farmers Livestock Exchange on the sale day @ (540)667-1023.

The following cattle have been owned by the consignor for a minimum of 60 days and have been graded on the farm by a Virginia Department of Agriculture grader. 

Call in (267)807-9605

Passcode 128-640-943#


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LOT 1-           58 Steers                                                                                                                     French Bros.

Breed:  60% Black, 40 % Char-X                                                                                                     Winchester, VA

Grades:  56 M&L-1, 2 M&L-2

Clean Score:  clean to 1  

Flesh Score:  5                      

Health Program:   Pfizer program, double Vacc, no implants

Feed:  pasture, 20 lbs corn silage, 8 lbs grain, free choice hay                                    

Weight:  850   

Weight Range:  800-900

Weighing Conditions: 10-mile haul to FLE

Comments:    These 2 loads are sorted out of 175 head                                                                                       


LOT 2-           54 Steers                                                                                                                     French Bros.

Breed:  50% Black, 50 % Char-X                                                                                                     Winchester, VA

Grades:  52 M&L-1, 2 M&L-2

Clean Score:  clean to 1   

Flesh Score:  5                      

Health Program:   Pfizer program, double Vacc, no implants

Feed:  pasture, 20 lbs corn silage, 8 lbs grain, free choice hay                                    

Weight:  925     

Weight Range:  875-975

Weighing Conditions: 10-mile haul to FLE

Comments:                These 2 loads are sorted out of 175 head                                                                           




8 cent slide heavy

10 cent slide over 51 lbs heavy

      4 cent slide light





We will have State Graded Feeder Cattle Sales every Monday



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